Sterile Processing Technician Program

Sterile Processing Technician Programs and Schools

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Grant Aldrich

If you aspire to become a Sterile Processing Technician, you must have searched for or have thought of enrolling in a Sterile Processing Technician Program.

Well, that’s a great thought. By having a formal education to start your career you’re setting your perfect foot forward.

But, do you know the different options you have to get your Sterile Processing Technician training, their length, costs, why full-time schools are not recommended, and what to look for in your Sterile Processing Technician training program? 

If any of this makes you wonder, you’re in the right place, because, in this article, we’ll discuss all of that.

Plus, we’ll also talk about a Sterile Processing Technician Program that makes you job-ready faster without driving to classes, without student loans, in as little as 4 months.

Stay tuned!

Sterile Processing Technician Program

Introducing Preppy’s Sterile Processing Technician Certification Program

Preppy’s Sterile Processing Technician Certification Program is designed to provide aspiring Sterile Processing Technicians with the knowledge, skills, and credentials needed to excel in the healthcare industry.

The flexibility this program offers is particularly beneficial for individuals balancing work, family, or other commitments.

Key Features of Preppy’s Program:

100% Online and Self-Paced

Preppy’s Sterile Processing Technician certification program is fully online, allowing students to learn at their own pace and from the comfort of their homes.

The online nature of the program allows students to study from anywhere, making it convenient for those with busy schedules.

There are no commuting costs or rigid class times, making it an ideal option for working adults or those with family responsibilities.

Fully Accredited and Recognized

Preppy’s Sterile Processing Technician certification program is accredited, ensuring that the curriculum meets industry standards and is recognized by employers nationwide.

This accreditation assures students that they are receiving a quality education that will be respected in the healthcare field.

University Certificate from Auburn University

Upon completion of the program, students receive a university certificate from Auburn University, a reputable, non-profit institution with over 150 years of history.

This certificate not only enhances your resume but also adds credibility to your qualifications, making you a more attractive candidate to potential employers.

Certification Ready

The curriculum is thorough and designed to prepare students for the CRCST (Certified Registered Central Service Technician) certification exam.

It covers all essential aspects of sterile processing, including decontamination, cleaning, inspecting, assembling, packaging, and sterilizing reusable surgical instruments and devices.

Externship Placement

One of the standout features of Preppy’s program is the externship placement. Students are placed in local healthcare facilities across the US, where they gain hands-on experience and apply what they’ve learned in real-world settings. This practical experience is invaluable and often a requirement for certification.

Faster Completion Time

The program is self-paced and can be completed in as little as four months. This is significantly faster than traditional programs, allowing students to start their careers sooner.

The flexibility of the online format means that students can progress through the material as quickly or slowly as they need, without the constraints of a fixed schedule.


Preppy’s Sterile Processing Technician certification training is priced at $1,599, which is all-inclusive. This cost is much lower compared to traditional on-campus programs, which can range from $7,000 to $40,000.

Additionally, Preppy offers a free laptop to all students, which is yours to keep even after completing the course.

Finally, if you want a faster start to your career with confidence, Preppy’s Sterile Processing Technician program is the perfect solution.

Enroll today and take the first step towards a fulfilling career as a Sterile Processing Technician. 

Who Are Sterile Processing Technicians?

A Sterile Processing Technician is responsible for the decontamination, cleaning, assembly, and sterilization of surgical instruments and medical equipment.

They ensure that all tools are safe and sterile, preventing infections and ensuring the smooth operation of healthcare facilities.

What Do They Do?

They play a vital role in ensuring the safety and efficiency of healthcare facilities by managing the sterilization of medical instruments and equipment.

Their key duties:

  • They decontaminate and clean surgical instruments.
  • They assemble and package instruments for sterilization.
  • They operate and maintain sterilization equipment.
  • They inspect and test equipment for functionality.
  • They maintain sterile storage and manage inventory.
  • They document sterilization processes and procedures.
  • They adhere to safety and sterilization standards.


-> What is a Sterile Processing Technician?

-> What Does a Sterile Processing Technician Do?

Types Of Sterile Processing Technician Schools

Sterile Processing Technicians are the backbone of patient safety in healthcare facilities, ensuring that surgical instruments and medical equipment are properly sterilized and ready for use.

So, if you’re considering a career in this crucial field, understanding the types of educational paths available to you is essential.

Let’s delve into the different types of schools and programs that can prepare you for a career as a Sterile Processing Technician.

Associate Degree Programs

Associate degree programs are typically offered by technical universities and colleges. These programs usually take up to two years to complete and provide a comprehensive education that combines theoretical knowledge with hands-on practical experience.

Students in associate degree programs will study a broad range of subjects, including microbiology, infection control, sterilization techniques, and the management of sterile processing departments.

The curriculum often includes general education courses in subjects such as mathematics, English, and science, which can help develop a well-rounded skill set.

The hands-on training component of these programs is crucial, as it provides students with practical experience in a lab setting. This practical experience is invaluable, as it allows students to apply their knowledge and skills under the supervision of their teachers.

Certificate/Diploma Programs

Community colleges and trade schools offer certificate and diploma programs. These programs typically take up to one year, or about 12 months, to complete.

They are designed to provide focused, intensive training that prepares students for immediate entry into the workforce.

The curriculum of certificate and diploma programs covers the core topics essential for a career as a Sterile Processing Technician, such as decontamination, sterilization, and infection control.

These programs are more streamlined than associate degree programs, with a stronger emphasis on the technical skills needed for the job.

One of the key advantages of certificate and diploma programs is their shorter duration, compared to degree programs.


-> Sterile Processing Technician Requirements

-> How to Become a Sterile Processing Technician?

Online Sterile Processing Technician Training Programs

Online training programs for sterile processing technicians are offered by accredited institutions and can be completed within a few months, typically ranging from four to six months. This makes them the fastest option for entering the field. 

Online programs offer several benefits, including flexibility and convenience. Students can complete their coursework from anywhere, at any time, which is particularly beneficial for those who have other commitments, such as a job or family responsibilities.

Additionally, online programs often have lower tuition fees compared to on-campus programs, making them a more affordable option.

Despite being online, these programs still provide a thorough education in sterile processing. Many online programs include virtual simulations and interactive learning tools to help students develop their skills.

Some programs also offer externship opportunities, allowing students to gain real-world experience in a healthcare facility near their location.

These programs are ideal for individuals who are looking to make a career change or who want to start working in the healthcare field as soon as possible.

Sterile Processing Technician Training Programs Length

The course duration of sterile processing technician training programs depends on the type of program you choose to enroll in.

Associate Degrees

These programs typically take two years to complete. They offer an in-depth education that includes both theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

Certificate/Diploma Programs

These programs usually span about 12 months. They provide focused training with a stronger emphasis on the technical skills needed for the job.

Online Sterile Processing Programs

These programs can be completed in as little as four to six months. They offer a flexible and fast pathway to becoming a Sterile Processing Technician.

Here’s a quick note -> While the duration of these programs is generally fixed, additional hands-on training, such as internships or externships, may extend the timeline slightly.

Sterile Processing Technician Training School Cost

The cost of sterile processing technician training programs can vary significantly.

Associate Degrees

Tuition fees for these programs range from $10,000 to $30,000. The higher cost reflects the comprehensive education and extended duration of the program.

Certificate/Diploma Programs

These programs typically cost between $5,000 and $8,000. They are more affordable than associate degree programs and offer a quicker path to employment.

Online Sterile Processing Programs

Tuition fees for online programs can be up to $3,000. These programs are the most affordable option and offer the added benefits of flexibility and convenience.

Also Read:

-> Sterile Processing Technician Training

-> Sterile Processing Technician Certificate Program

-> Sterile Processing Technician Training Program Cost

Why are Full-time Sterile Processing Technician Schools Not Recommended by Industry Veterans?

aspiring EKG Tech learning at a classroom

Before understanding this, first, let’s understand why we have a natural inclination towards Sterile Processing Technician Schools.

Why Sterile Processing Technician Schools?

If you’re considering a career as a Sterile Processing Technician; in that case, you must have thought of enrolling in a full-time program at a local community college or university, whether for an associate degree or a certificate. 

How can we be so sure? The reason is simple – for the university certificate that you get.

In healthcare, a university certificate holds significant value, which is why many people naturally gravitate towards traditional, full-time educational paths.

Honestly, that’s a great thing to have. But, is that the only way to get that? Absolutely not!

So, is there any other way? There is one, and we will discuss about that later. 

Now, let’s get back to –

Why Sterile Processing Technician Schools are Not Recommended?

Industry veterans often advise against attending full-time, on-campus Sterile Processing Technician schools due to these 4 significant drawbacks.

Here are those 4 critical drawbacks:

Expensive Tuition Cost

The cost of attending a full-time, on-campus Sterile Processing Technician program in the US is prohibitively high.

Certificate programs can range from $7,000 to $15,000, while a two-year degree program can cost up to $40,000.

To cover these exorbitant fees, most students resort to student loans, starting their careers burdened with debt.

This financial strain can overshadow the excitement of landing your first job, as a significant portion of your salary goes towards repaying loans.

Additional Expenses

Tuition is just the tip of the iceberg. There are numerous other expenses such as gas, food, parking permits, and accommodation. Over a two-year period, these costs can accumulate substantially.

Additionally, in parts of the US, there aren’t many decent Sterile Processing Technician schools for you to enroll in.

So, finding a reputable full-time Sterile Processing Technician program might require relocating to a different city, further increasing living expenses and adding logistical challenges.

Longer Course Duration

Full-time programs at community colleges can take one to two years to complete. This involves frequent commutes, regular assignments, and numerous tests.

These programs often include elective courses unrelated to the Sterile Processing Technician career, such as Physical Education, History, Math, or Humanities. This additional coursework extends the program duration unnecessarily.

They aren’t Adult Friendly

Full-time programs typically follow rigid schedules, which can be challenging for adults with existing responsibilities.

Whether you’re a parent, caregiver, or simply managing household duties, fitting classes into your busy life can be daunting.

Moreover, unexpected health issues or personal emergencies can disrupt your education. Missing classes can lead to falling behind, making it difficult to catch up.

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Now, if full-time programs are not good for you, then how should you get your formal training to become a Sterile Processing Technician?

Well, you need to enroll in the Right Sterile Processing Technician Training School. Choosing the right Sterile Processing Technician training school is a critical step in launching your career. 

By ensuring your program ticks all the boxes of the critical factors will set you up for success. But, does any program that ticks all the right boxes even exist? 

It does. Preppy’s Sterile Processing Technician Certification training program. This program can be a game-changer, offering all these benefits and more, enabling you to start your career faster, from the comfort of your home. 

What should you Look for in a Sterile Processing Technician Training Program?  

Starting a career as a Sterile Processing Technician requires a solid educational foundation. So, selecting the right training school is crucial for gaining the skills, knowledge, and certification needed to excel in this field.

Here are the critical factors to consider when choosing a Sterile Processing Technician training school:


Accreditation ensures that the training program meets industry standards and provides quality education. Accredited programs are recognized by employers and certifying bodies, which is essential for your future career prospects.

So you should check if the school is accredited by recognized bodies such as the CAAHEP, ABHES, or ARC/STSA. This assures that the curriculum, faculty, and facilities meet established standards.

University Certificate

A certificate from a reputable university adds significant value to your qualifications. It enhances your resume and can make you a more competitive candidate in the job market.

You need to ensure the program offers a university-issued certificate upon completion. This can often be a distinguishing factor for employers looking for well-qualified candidates.

Experience-Gaining Opportunity

Practical experience is invaluable in the Sterile Processing Technician field. Hands-on training allows you to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings, making you more proficient and confident.

You need to look for programs that include externships or clinical rotations in their curriculum. These opportunities allow you to gain direct experience in healthcare settings, working with actual sterilization equipment and procedures.

Certification Ready

Becoming certified is often a requirement for employment and can significantly impact your career growth and salary potential. Proper preparation for certification exams is crucial.

Your program should offer comprehensive preparation for certification exams, such as the Certified Registered Central Service Technician (CRCST) exam.

This is only possible if the program is accredited and the curriculum is thorough meeting industry standards and includes access to study materials, practice tests, and other resources.

Also Read:

-> CRCST Certification

-> CSPDT Certification

-> Certified Sterile Processing Technician

-> Sterile Processing Technician Certification

Faster Completion

The faster you complete your training, the sooner you can start working and earning. Some programs are designed to be completed in a shorter time frame without compromising the quality of education.

So, consider programs that can be completed in less than 6 months. The best way to start your career faster is by enrolling in online programs.

They often offer accelerated options, allowing you to finish your training in as little as four to six months.


Education can be expensive, and starting your career with significant debt is not ideal. Finding an affordable program helps minimize financial strain.

So, compare tuition costs among different programs. Look for all-inclusive fees that cover tuition, books, and exam fees. Some programs may also offer financial aid or payment plans.

Convenience and Flexibility

Many prospective Sterile Processing Technicians have other commitments, such as jobs or family responsibilities. Flexible scheduling allows you to balance your studies with other aspects of your life.

Online programs offer the greatest flexibility, allowing you to study at your own pace and on your own schedule. But be cautious of the hybrid programs, they combine online coursework with 1 or 2-day in-person classes, this could again be a tricky option.  

However, the best online Sterile Processing Technician program for a faster start to your career with affordable tuition cost, certification readiness, and externship placement is Preppy’s Sterile Processing Technician Training Program.


We hope this article could enlighten you about the Sterile Processing Technicians and the types of education options you typically have.

You might also have made up your mind on which option perfectly suits your lifestyle and financials.

But here’s a quick warning – with the increasing demand for Sterile Processing Technician professionals there’s a huge surge in Sterile Processing Technician courses and programs.

So, choosing the right Sterile Processing Technician training program is a critical step in launching your career.

The right program is accredited, offers a university certificate, provides practical experience, prepares you for certification exams, finishes quickly, is affordable, and offers flexibility.

One such program that ticks all the right boxes and stands out in preparing individuals for this vital role is Preppy’s Sterile Processing Technician Certification Program.

So, do check it out! 


-> Sterile Processing Technician Exam

-> Travel Sterile Processing Technician

-> Sterile Processing Technician vs. Surgical Technologist

-> How Long Does it Take to Become a Sterile Processing Technician?

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Grant Aldrich

Preppy was founded by higher education expert, Grant Aldrich, who’s work on college affordability and accessibility has been featured in Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, Business Insider, American Express, AOL, MSN, Thrive Global, Reader’s Digest, Inside Higher Ed, Evolllution, EducationDive, and nearly 100 radio shows and podcasts.

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