Surgical Tech Duties

Surgical Tech Duties & Skills

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Grant Aldrich

If you’re considering a career as a surgical technologist, it’s essential to understand the roles, responsibilities, and skills required in this demanding yet rewarding field. While some may think that a surgical tech’s primary job is simply handing instruments to surgeons, the reality is far more complex. So let’s talk about the typical surgical tech duties, the essential skills needed, and how to prepare for a successful career in this field.

Key Duties of a Surgical Tech

1. Preparing the Operating Room

One of the primary responsibilities of a surgical tech is preparing the operating room (OR) before a procedure. Indeed, this involves a meticulous process of sterilizing and organizing surgical instruments, setting up surgical equipment, and ensuring that sterile solutions and medications are ready for use.

Sterilization is crucial in preventing infections and ensuring the safety of the patient. Every tool, surface, and piece of equipment must be sanitized according to strict protocols. A surgical tech must be thorough and methodical, as any lapse in sterilization can have serious consequences. Additionally, the tech is responsible for organizing the instruments in a way that allows the surgeon to access them quickly and efficiently during the procedure.

2. Assisting Surgeons by Handing Instruments

A well-known duty of a surgical tech is to assist the surgeon by handing over instruments during the surgery. This task requires more than just passing tools; it demands precision, speed, and anticipation. There are over 54 surgical instruments, each serving a specific purpose. A surgical tech must know these instruments inside out, understand their functions, and be able to identify them quickly.

The best surgical techs excel in anticipating the surgeon’s needs, often preparing the next instrument before the surgeon even requests it. This ability to foresee what comes next helps maintain the flow of the operation, ensuring that there is no waste of time. This level of preparation and attention to detail can make a significant difference in the outcome of the surgery.

3. Managing Surgical Equipment

Another critical responsibility of a surgical tech is managing and maintaining surgical equipment. This includes ensuring that all machines are functional before the surgery begins, troubleshooting any issues that arise during the procedure, and making sure that everything runs smoothly.

The surgical tech acts as a critical support system during the surgery. If a machine malfunctions or a piece of equipment isn’t working as it should, the tech must quickly resolve the issue to avoid any disruption in the procedure. Their role in maintaining the functionality of the surgical environment is crucial to the success of the operation.

4. Postoperative Duties

The role of a surgical tech does not end once the surgery is complete. Postoperative duties are just as important as the tasks performed during the surgery. After the procedure, the surgical tech assists in wound dressing, helps transfer patients to the recovery area, and ensures that all instruments are properly accounted for.

In situations where surgeries are scheduled back-to-back, the tech must quickly sterilize the instruments and prepare the OR for the next procedure. This quick turnaround requires efficiency and a deep understanding of sterilization protocols to ensure patient safety.

Surgical Tech Duties

5. Patient Interaction and Support

While much of a surgical tech’s work is focused on the technical aspects of surgery, there is also a significant human element to the job. Surgical techs often interact with patients before surgery, helping to calm their nerves and address any concerns they may have. This role requires empathy, patience, and excellent communication skills.

Providing compassionate support to patients contributes to a positive overall experience, which is essential in a high-stress environment like the operating room. Patients who feel supported are more likely to remain calm, which can improve surgical outcomes.

6. Emergency Response

Surgical techs must be prepared to respond to emergencies or unexpected complications that may arise during surgery. In these situations, the tech plays a vital role in stabilizing the situation by providing additional instruments, assisting with life-saving measures, or supporting the surgical team in other critical ways.

The ability to remain composed and think critically during emergencies is crucial. A surgical tech’s quick response can be the difference between life and death in these situations. This aspect of the job underscores the importance of being well-trained, calm under pressure, and able to think on your feet.

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Essential Skills for a Surgical Tech

1. Attention to Detail

Attention to detail is one of the most important skills a surgical tech must possess. From preparing the OR to ensuring that all instruments are accounted for, every aspect of the job requires precision. Even a small mistake can have significant consequences, so the ability to focus on the details is essential.

This skill typically comes naturally to those who excel in this field, but it can also be developed through training and experience. The more a surgical tech practices, the better they become at noticing the small details that can make a big difference in the operating room.

2. Infection Control

Infection control is a critical aspect of a surgical tech’s responsibilities. This involves maintaining a sterile field, using personal protective equipment (PPE), and following strict hand hygiene practices. Preventing surgical site infections is crucial for patient safety, and a surgical tech must be well-versed in the procedures that minimize infection risks.

Understanding and implementing infection control measures are non-negotiable aspects of the job. Surgical techs must be diligent in following protocols and always stay updated on the latest best practices to ensure they are providing the highest standard of care.

3. Teamwork and Collaboration

The operating room is a highly collaborative environment, and the ability to work well with others is crucial for a surgical tech. They must be able to seamlessly collaborate with surgeons, nurses, anesthesiologists, and other healthcare professionals to ensure that the surgery proceeds smoothly.

Effective teamwork is essential for the efficiency and safety of surgical procedures. A surgical tech’s ability to communicate, cooperate, and support their colleagues is key to creating a harmonious working environment where everyone can perform at their best.

Surgical Tech Duties

4. Communication

Clear and effective communication is vital in the operating room. Also miscommunication can lead to errors, which in a surgical setting, can be life-threatening. Surgical techs must be able to communicate effectively with the entire surgical team, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

In addition to communicating with colleagues, surgical techs also need to be able to explain procedures and provide reassurance to patients. This dual role of communicator and supporter highlights the importance of strong communication skills in this profession.

5. Stress Management

The operating room can be a high-pressure environment, and surgical techs often face long hours, challenging situations, and emotionally taxing experiences. Being able to manage stress effectively is essential for maintaining both personal well-being and professional performance.

Surgical techs must develop strategies to cope with the demands of the job, whether it’s through taking breaks, seeking support from colleagues, or finding ways to decompress outside of work. Effective stress management is crucial for preventing burnout and ensuring that surgical techs can continue to perform at a high level.

Preparing for a Career as a Surgical Tech

Starting a career as a surgical tech requires a combination of the right training and a commitment to developing the necessary skills. Enrolling in a reputable surgical tech training program is the first step toward building a solid foundation. These programs typically cover the essential knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the field, including anatomy, sterilization techniques, surgical procedures, and patient care.

In today’s competitive job market, having a competitive edge is also important. This might involve seeking out additional surgical tech certifications, gaining specialized experience, or participating in programs that can accelerate your entry into the workforce.


A career as a surgical tech is both challenging and rewarding. It requires a unique blend of technical skills, attention to detail, and the ability to work well under pressure. By understanding the key duties and essential skills required for this role, aspiring surgical techs can better prepare themselves for success. Whether you’re just starting or looking to advance your career, investing in the right surgical tech training and continuously developing your skills will set you on the path to becoming a highly skilled and respected surgical technologist.

Become a Surgical Tech with The Preppy Method

If the traditional pathway to becoming a surgical technologist seems daunting, there’s a more efficient and cost-effective alternative: Preppy’s online surgical tech programs. In fact, this method allows you to obtain the necessary training, surgical tech certification, and clinical experience in just a few months, without the high costs or long time commitments associated with CAAHEP-accredited programs.

Also read: What is a Surgical Tech?


Preppy was founded by higher education expert, Grant Aldrich, who’s work on college affordability and accessibility has been featured in Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, Business Insider, American Express, AOL, MSN, Thrive Global, Reader’s Digest, Inside Higher Ed, Evolllution, EducationDive, and nearly 100 radio shows and podcasts.

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Grant Aldrich

Preppy was founded by higher education expert, Grant Aldrich, who’s work on college affordability and accessibility has been featured in Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, Business Insider, American Express, AOL, MSN, Thrive Global, Reader’s Digest, Inside Higher Ed, Evolllution, EducationDive, and nearly 100 radio shows and podcasts.

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