Surgical tech degree

Surgical Tech Degree – Do You Need It?

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Grant Aldrich

The allure of a career in the medical field, particularly as a surgical technologist, has many aspiring professionals contemplating their educational path. A common misconception among many of these aspirants is that obtaining a degree is a necessary step to enter the field. But here’s an earth-shattering secret: you don’t actually need a degree to become a surgical tech. That’s right—despite the prestige associated with surgical tech degree programs, there are alternative paths that can lead you to the same destination, often faster and with less financial burden.

This article explores whether a surgical tech degree is essential, the pros and cons of traditional degree programs, and alternative options that could be a better fit for many aspiring surgical technologists.

Why is a Two-Year Degree Program Popular?

For many years, a two-year associate degree has been the traditional route for those seeking to become surgical technologists. This path is popular for several reasons, and it’s easy to understand why many are drawn to it. Let’s break down the key advantages associated with earning a degree in this field.

Comprehensive Education

A two-year associate degree program offers a well-rounded education. Students receive comprehensive training that covers various essential topics, such as anatomy, sterilization techniques, surgical procedures, and more. This broad spectrum of knowledge ensures that graduates are thoroughly prepared for the technical and practical aspects of the job.

Trust and Value

The value of a degree from a recognized institution cannot be understated. University certificates hold significant weight in the healthcare industry. Employers often view degree-holders as more qualified, which can enhance job prospects and command greater respect in professional circles. The trust associated with a degree can be a decisive factor for many when choosing educational paths.

Hands-On Experience

Most degree programs include a practical training component, allowing students to gain hands-on experience in a simulated operating room environment. This experience is invaluable, as it prepares students for the real-world challenges they will face as surgical technologists. The practical training also builds confidence, a crucial element in such a high-stakes profession.

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The Downsides of a Degree Program

While the benefits of a degree program are clear, it’s important to also consider the downsides, especially in today’s educational and economic landscape. Here are some significant disadvantages of pursuing a full-time degree to become a surgical tech.

High Costs

One of the most significant drawbacks of a traditional degree program is the hefty price tag. Tuition for a two-year associate degree can easily exceed $30,000, and this is just the beginning. Many students, unable to afford these costs upfront, turn to student loans to finance their education. Unfortunately, starting a career with substantial student debt can be a heavy burden, especially in a field where entry-level salaries may not be sufficient to pay off loans quickly. The stress of loan repayment can overshadow the early years of a surgical tech’s career.

Long Course Duration

A two-year commitment to a degree program can be daunting for many. Enrolling in a full-time program often means putting your life on hold for two years, which might not be feasible for everyone. These programs require a significant time investment, including attending classes, completing assignments, and preparing for exams—all on a rigid schedule. This can be particularly challenging for those with personal responsibilities or the need to work while studying.

Secondary Expenses

When considering the cost of a degree, it’s easy to overlook the secondary expenses associated with it. These include costs for transportation, accommodation, and daily living expenses, all of which can add up quickly. If you have to relocate to attend a reputable program, these costs can become even more prohibitive. Many students find themselves stretching their budgets to cover these additional costs, further increasing financial stress.

Surgical Tech Degree

Exploring Alternative Training Options

Given the potential drawbacks of traditional degree programs, it’s worth exploring alternative paths to becoming a surgical technologist. In fact, one such path is online surgical tech training programs, which have gained popularity in recent years for their flexibility, affordability, and focused approach.

Shorter Training Duration

Online programs typically allow you to complete your training in a matter of months, rather than years. This is a significant advantage for those eager to start their careers quickly. But the shorter duration doesn’t mean compromising on quality; many online surgical tech courses are designed to be intensive and comprehensive, covering all the essential knowledge and skills needed to excel as a surgical tech.

Lower Costs

Cost is a major factor for most students, and online surgical tech certificates are generally much more affordable than traditional degree programs. With tuition costs often under $5,000, these programs present a financially viable option for many aspiring surgical technologists. Additionally, because the training is online, there are no costs for commuting, housing, or campus-related expenses.

Focused Curriculum

One of the biggest advantages of online programs is their laser-focused curriculum. Unlike degree programs, which often require students to take elective courses that have little to do with surgical technology, online programs concentrate solely on the skills and knowledge needed for the job. This means you won’t waste time studying subjects that aren’t directly applicable to your career goals.

Flexibility and Convenience

Online learning offers unparalleled flexibility. You can study from the comfort of your own home, at times that suit your schedule. This is especially beneficial for those who have other responsibilities, such as work or family, as it allows them to balance their training with their personal life. Additionally, the absence of a fixed class schedule means you can progress through the program at your own pace.

Enhanced Learning Experience

Studies have shown that online learning can actually improve retention rates. According to the Research Institute of America, online learning can increase retention by up to 60%. This could be due to the ability of students to learn at their own pace, revisit challenging material as needed, and engage with interactive content that enhances understanding.

Surgical Tech Degree

Conclusion: Do You Really Need a Surgical Tech Degree?

So, do you really need a degree to become a surgical technologist? The answer depends on your personal circumstances, career goals, and financial situation. While a traditional degree program offers a well-rounded education and can carry weight with employers, it comes with significant costs and time commitments. For many, the disadvantages—high tuition, long duration, and secondary expenses—outweigh the benefits.

On the other hand, online surgical tech programs provide a viable alternative. They are faster, more affordable, and highly focused on the skills needed for the job. These programs allow you to start your career sooner and with less debt, making them an attractive option for many aspiring surgical technologists.

Ultimately, the decision is yours. Whether you choose a traditional degree program or an online surgical technologist course, what matters most is that you are well-prepared for the demands of the job and ready to excel in a field that is both challenging and rewarding.

Become a Surgical Tech with The Preppy Method

If the traditional pathway to becoming a surgical technologist seems daunting, there’s a more efficient and cost-effective alternative: Preppy’s online surgical tech programs. In fact, this method allows you to obtain the necessary training, surgical tech certification, and clinical experience in just a few months, without the high costs or long time commitments associated with CAAHEP-accredited programs.

Also read: Is Surgical Tech School Hard?


Preppy was founded by higher education expert, Grant Aldrich, who’s work on college affordability and accessibility has been featured in Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, Business Insider, American Express, AOL, MSN, Thrive Global, Reader’s Digest, Inside Higher Ed, Evolllution, EducationDive, and nearly 100 radio shows and podcasts.

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Grant Aldrich

Preppy was founded by higher education expert, Grant Aldrich, who’s work on college affordability and accessibility has been featured in Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, Business Insider, American Express, AOL, MSN, Thrive Global, Reader’s Digest, Inside Higher Ed, Evolllution, EducationDive, and nearly 100 radio shows and podcasts.

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