Is It Worth Being a Medical Assistant

Is It Worth Being a Medical Assistant?

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Grant Aldrich

If you are considering a career as a medical assistant, it’s natural to wonder “Is it worth being a medical assistant?”. There are both upsides and downsides to this path, and some of them might surprise you. So let’s explore the pros and cons of becoming a medical assistant based on firsthand insights from an experienced professional. By the end, you should have a clearer understanding of whether this career aligns with your goals.

Pros of Being a Medical Assistant

1. Flexibility in Work Schedules

One of the biggest advantages of being a medical assistant is the flexibility it offers. Finding a work schedule that fits your personal needs is often possible in this field. Most medical assistants work a standard Monday to Friday schedule, typically 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. However, some facilities offer different hours.

For instance, some clinics open earlier in the morning and close later in the evening. This longer daily shift can give you the flexibility to use half a day each week to focus on administrative tasks and personal needs, without using vacation time.

In addition, medical assistants working in urgent care centers and hospitals may have 12-hour rotating shifts, which can allow for several consecutive days off. These options provide flexibility for those who want to balance work with personal obligations or pursue other interests. Furthermore, medical assistants can often pick up additional shifts if they want to earn extra money.

2. Job Security

The demand for medical assistants has grown significantly over the past decade. When Nancy started in 2013, medical assisting was not as widely recognized as it is today. Now, medical assistants play a critical role in healthcare, contributing to their job security.

With the healthcare industry expanding, medical assistants are needed in various settings, from family medicine to specialized practices. This demand provides opportunities to learn new skills, build your professional profile, and switch to different offices if desired. Job security also means that once you enter the field, you can explore other healthcare roles, such as healthcare management, nursing, lab technician positions, and even higher-level roles like nurse practitioner or physician assistant.

3. Experience and Career Advancement Opportunities

Being a medical assistant is an excellent entry point for exploring other healthcare avenues. Medical assistants gain experience in patient care, office workflows, and various medical procedures. This hands-on knowledge can be a strong foundation for advancing in the healthcare field.

Many medical assistants later transition into roles such as healthcare management, phlebotomy, or even further their education to become nurse practitioners, physician assistants, or medical doctors. The skills you gain as a medical assistant can set you on a path to numerous career opportunities.

Is It Worth Being a Medical Assistant

Cons of Being a Medical Assistant

Despite the flexibility, job security, and growth potential, there are some challenges to consider before pursuing a career as a medical assistant.

1. Frontline Exposure to Health Risks

Medical assistants are often the first point of contact for patients, which means they are on the frontline of the healthcare industry. This exposure can put you at risk of coming into contact with bloodborne pathogens, illnesses, and diseases. Therefore, it’s crucial to be comfortable with the idea of working in environments where health risks are present.

However, healthcare facilities provide the necessary tools and equipment, such as gloves, gowns, goggles, and masks, to protect medical assistants from potential infections. Proper training is provided to ensure that medical assistants know how to use these precautions effectively. While there is some level of risk involved, understanding and following safety protocols can significantly reduce it.

2. Cost of Education and Training

While there are many medical assistant programs available today, finding the right one can be costly. It’s important to choose an accredited college or university for training, as this provides credibility and ensures you receive proper education for patient care.

Although there are more programs today, you still need to make sure the one you select is accredited and offers hands-on experience. Some programs offer internships or externships, which are vital for gaining practical skills. Programs that do not include an externship may be more affordable, but they may leave you lacking the real-world experience needed to handle complex situations once you enter the workforce.

3. Stressful Work Environment

Being a medical assistant can be stressful. You may be required to assist a provider throughout the day, sometimes on your own. In some practices, there might be multiple medical assistants working together, which can help distribute the workload. However, even with a team, you need to prioritize your tasks and manage your time effectively. If you fall behind, you risk making errors or missing critical information, which could impact patient care.

Moreover, you will encounter difficult patients and situations that require you to de-escalate conflicts. This requires strong communication and problem-solving skills, as well as the ability to ask for help when necessary.

Another source of stress can be working closely with a physician, particularly if they have a demanding personality or prefer things done in a specific way. In such situations, failing to meet their expectations may result in reprimands. If you find working in a high-pressure environment challenging, this is an important factor to consider when evaluating whether a career as a medical assistant is right for you.

Is It Worth Being a Medical Assistant

Is It Worth It?

The answer to whether being a medical assistant is worth it depends on your individual career goals, personality, and willingness to face the challenges of the job. The pros include flexibility, job security, career advancement opportunities, and valuable hands-on experience. However, the cons, such as exposure to health risks, the cost of education, and a potentially stressful work environment, are significant factors to weigh.

Despite the challenges, the positives of a medical assistant career usually outweigh the negatives. If you are passionate about healthcare, willing to learn, and ready to handle a dynamic and sometimes demanding work environment, becoming a medical assistant can be a rewarding career choice.

For those seriously considering this path, it is important to research programs, understand the financial investment, and prepare for the day-to-day realities of the job.

In conclusion, becoming a medical assistant can be a worthwhile career if you are prepared for the responsibilities, challenges, and rewards that come with it. It’s a role that can open the door to many possibilities in the healthcare field, offering flexibility, stability, and the opportunity for growth.

Preppy’s Medical Assistant Training Program


Preppy’s Medical Assistant Training Program is entirely online and self-paced, making it ideal for students who need flexibility. Preppy’s program is offered in partnership with Auburn University, providing a reputable university certificate upon completion.

Program Highlights

  • Mode of Delivery: 100% online and self-paced.
  • Program Duration: 4 to 6 months, with access for up to a year.
  • Tuition Cost: $1,599, which includes training materials.
  • Certification: Prepares students for the CCMA certification exam.
  • Practical Experience: Includes an externship opportunity at a local healthcare facility.
  • Additional Benefits: Offers job placement services for eligible graduates and a free laptop if you pay the tuition in full.

Also read: A Day In The Life as a Medical Assistant


Preppy was founded by higher education expert, Grant Aldrich, who’s work on college affordability and accessibility has been featured in Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, Business Insider, American Express, AOL, MSN, Thrive Global, Reader’s Digest, Inside Higher Ed, Evolllution, EducationDive, and nearly 100 radio shows and podcasts.

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Grant Aldrich

Preppy was founded by higher education expert, Grant Aldrich, who’s work on college affordability and accessibility has been featured in Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, Business Insider, American Express, AOL, MSN, Thrive Global, Reader’s Digest, Inside Higher Ed, Evolllution, EducationDive, and nearly 100 radio shows and podcasts.

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